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* PM/Pro Library
* Copyright (C) 1996 SciTech Software.
* All rights reserved.
* Filename: $Workfile: pmpro.h $
* Version: $Revision: 1.0 $
* Language: ANSI C
* Environment: Real mode and 16/32 bit Protected Mode under MSDOS
* Description: Header file for the DOS extender independant protected
* mode programming library. This library will need to be
* included in all programs that use SciTech Software's
* products that are to be compiled in protected mode.
* This Professional version of the library also provides
* simplified interrupt handling, allowing all common interrupt
* handlers to be hooked and handled directly with normal C
* functions, both in 16 bit and 32 bit modes. Note however that
* simplified handling does not mean slow performance! All low
* level interrupt handling is done efficiently in assembler
* for speed (well actually necessary to insulate the
* application from the lack of far pointers in 32 bit PM). The
* interrupt handlers currently supported are:
* Mouse (0x33 callback)
* Timer Tick (0x8)
* Keyboard (0x9 and 0x15)
* Control C/Break (0x23/0x1B)
* Critical Error (0x24)
* $Date: 05 Feb 1996 21:44:32 $ $Author: KendallB $
#ifndef __PMPRO_H
#define __PMPRO_H
#ifndef __PMODE_H
#include "pmode.h"
/*--------------------------- Macros and Typedefs -------------------------*/
/* Define the different types of interrupt handlers that we support */
typedef uint (PMAPI *PM_criticalHandler)(uint axValue,uint diValue);
typedef void (PMAPI *PM_breakHandler)(uint breakHit);
typedef void (PMAPI *PM_intHandler)(void);
typedef short (PMAPI *PM_key15Handler)(short scanCode);
typedef void (PMAPI *PM_mouseHandler)(uint event, uint butstate,
uint x,uint y,uint mickeyX,uint mickeyY);
/* Create a type for representing far pointers in both 16 and 32 bit
* protected mode.
#ifdef PM386
typedef struct {
long off;
short sel;
#define PMNULL {0,0}
typedef void *PMFARPTR;
/*--------------------------- Function Prototypes -------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { /* Use "C" linkage when in C++ mode */
/* Routine to install a mouse interrupt handling routine. The
* mouse handler routine is a normal C function, and the PM library
* will take care of passing the correct parameters to the function,
* and switching to a local stack.
* Note that you _must_ lock the memory containing the mouse interrupt
* handler with the PM_lockPages() function otherwise you may encounter
* problems in virtual memory environments.
int PMAPI PM_setMouseHandler(int mask,PM_mouseHandler mh);
void PMAPI PM_restoreMouseHandler(void);
/* Routine to reset the mouse driver, and re-install the current
* mouse interrupt handler if one was currently installed (since the
* mouse reset will automatically remove this handler.
void PMAPI PM_resetMouseDriver(int hardReset);
/* Routines to install and remove timer and keyboard interrupt handlers.
* The handler routines are normal C functions. If the return value from
* the function is PM_chainInt, the previous handler will be chained
* to, otherwise the interrupt will simply return.
* Note that you _must_ lock the memory containing the interrupt
* handlers with the PM_lockPages() function otherwise you may encounter
* problems in virtual memory environments.
void PMAPI PM_setTimerHandler(PM_intHandler ih);
void PMAPI PM_chainPrevTimer(void);
void PMAPI PM_restoreTimerHandler(void);
void PMAPI PM_setKeyHandler(PM_intHandler ih);
void PMAPI PM_chainPrevKey(void);
void PMAPI PM_restoreKeyHandler(void);
/* Routines to hook and unhook the alternate Int 15h keyboard intercept
* callout routine. Your event handler will need to return the following:
* scanCode - Let the BIOS process scan code (chains to previous handler)
* 0 - You have processed the scan code so flush from BIOS
* Note that this is not available under all DOS extenders, but does
* work under real mode, DOS4GW and X32-VM. It does not work under the
* PowerPack 32 bit DOS extenders. If you figure out how to do it let us know!
void PMAPI PM_setKey15Handler(PM_key15Handler ih);
void PMAPI PM_restoreKey15Handler(void);
/* Routines to install and remove the control c/break interrupt handlers.
* Interrupt handling is performed by the PM/Pro library, and you can call
* the supplied routines to test the status of the Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break
* flags. If you pass the value TRUE for 'clearFlag' to these routines,
* the internal flags will be reset in order to catch another Ctrl-C or
* Ctrl-Break interrupt.
void PMAPI PM_installBreakHandler(void);
int PMAPI PM_ctrlCHit(int clearFlag);
int PMAPI PM_ctrlBreakHit(int clearFlag);
void PMAPI PM_restoreBreakHandler(void);
/* Routine to install an alternate break handler that will call your
* code directly. This is not available under all DOS extenders, but does
* work under real mode, DOS4GW and X32-VM. It does not work under the
* PowerPack 32 bit DOS extenders. If you figure out how to do it let us know!
* Note that you should either install one or the other, but not both!
void PMAPI PM_installAltBreakHandler(PM_breakHandler bh);
/* Routines to install and remove the critical error handler. The interrupt
* is handled by the PM/Pro library, and the operation will always be failed.
* You can check the status of the critical error handler with the
* appropriate function. If you pass the value TRUE for 'clearFlag', the
* internal flag will be reset ready to catch another critical error.
void PMAPI PM_installCriticalHandler(void);
int PMAPI PM_criticalError(int *axValue, int *diValue, int clearFlag);
void PMAPI PM_restoreCriticalHandler(void);
/* Routine to install an alternate critical handler that will call your
* code directly. This is not available under all DOS extenders, but does
* work under real mode, DOS4GW and X32-VM. It does not work under the
* PowerPack 32 bit DOS extenders. If you figure out how to do it let us know!
* Note that you should either install one or the other, but not both!
void PMAPI PM_installAltCriticalHandler(PM_criticalHandler);
/* Routine to lock and unlock regions of memory under a virtual memory
* environment. These routines _must_ be used to lock all hardware
* and mouse interrupt handlers installed, _AND_ any global data that
* these handler manipulate, so that they will always be present in memory
* to handle the incoming interrupts.
* Note that it is important to call the correct routine depending on
* whether the area being locked is code or data, so that under 32 bit
* PM we will get the selector value correct.
typedef void (*__codePtr)();
int PMAPI PM_lockDataPages(void *p,uint len);
int PMAPI PM_unlockDataPages(void *p,uint len);
int PMAPI PM_lockCodePages(__codePtr p,uint len);
int PMAPI PM_unlockCodePages(__codePtr p,uint len);
/* Functions to manage protected mode only interrupt handlers */
void PMAPI PM_getPMvect(int intno, PMFARPTR *isr);
void PMAPI PM_setPMvect(int intno, PM_intHandler ih);
void PMAPI PM_restorePMvect(int intno, PMFARPTR isr);
/* Functions to install and remove the virtual linear framebuffer
* emulation code. For unsupported DOS extenders and when running under
* a DPMI host like Windows or OS/2, this function will return a NULL.
bool PMAPI VF_available(void);
void * PMAPI VF_init(ulong baseAddr,int bankSize,int codeLen,void *bankFunc);
void PMAPI VF_exit(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* End of "C" linkage for C++ */
#endif /* __PMPRO_H */